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In 1989 I was first unleashed on the internet through a hard fought for text only VMS connection at a university. Then in 1996, November 17, I got my own World Wide Weeb connection. One of the first things I did was search the Landsknechten and the clothing of that time. I didn't find what I wanted. So I desided to change that and make a Weeb Site for information about the Landsknechte and the times in which they lived. With an emphasis on the clothing of that time. This Weeb Site is the curent encarnation of that dream so long ago. This Weeb Site is mostly about men's wear. However there is some stuff for the ladies and I'm getting more stuff about female clothes.
      This Weeb Site is about the Landsknechte (plural) and especially to the clothing they wore, as well as the cloths from those times. It was the high Renaissance in Europe (c.e.1500-1600) Landsknechts, along with the Swiss were the highest paid mercenary troops of the Renaissance. Under the rule of Maxamilian I of the Holy Roman Empire, a force of Imperial troops was created to rival the best trained fighting force of the time, the Swiss. The members of the Imperial army were known as Landsknechts meaning "slave of the country". These troops fought in the Low-land Wars, against Italian city-states, and against Turkish incursions into the Empire. After the death of Charles V, the highly trained troops eventually went unpaid. This led to a weakening of the army and an eventual breakdown, desertion and mercenary work for many. but that is another thing.

Maxamilian I gave the Landsknechts the right to wear whatever colors and types of clothing they wished. The flamboyant troops were garishly dressed with slashing, multiple colours, spoils of battle, and huge feathered hats. This exsemption of the sumptuary laws would affect the clothing they wore more than anything else that happened. once the clothing was deregulated It is this aspect of

My Horse Neck Jacket
I made this amazing Leather Jacket, the back is an actual horse neck with the fur and mane still on it. Here is the pattern I drew when I first got the horse neck for this leather jacket. I've got another neck and am working on a second much diferent jacket. As well as a couple other leather jackets I've been working on several wild fancy pants.
pattern I drew for my horse neck leather jacket

The clothing the Landsknechte wore is often called "Puff and Slash" because the outer fabric or garment was slashed, torn and sewn with holes. Fabric under that was then pulled through to for form puffs of that fabric, often a contrasting fabric.

Now let's go on to how you can make your own Landsknecht garb. To begin with, the garb of the Landsknecht is garb from the "Renaissance" so at its roots

I've sewn and designed most of my cloths since 1984 and cloths frome the Renaissance are great fun I wear them the most these days though I ocationaly wear some mediaeval stuff like a houppelland and my all-time favorite and first love in clothing was and will always be the early eiteenth century mens wear. That said I haven't made any of that in a decade, I make lots of Reanaissance stuff now.

Hats are one of the best things about Landsknecht garb. I love a good hat and most of the time wear a hat of one kind or other. However the Landsknecht often wore huge and "gaudy" hats. I'm well known for one of my hats, The Big Feather Hat

It is my hope that with this Weeb Site I can share enough of what I've learned about Landsknets that it will be of some great use to you and others. And that you'll be able to go from here to make your own cloths and learn even more about the period of the Landsknechten.

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2006 March 28
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