From Me:
I've got this train set out of the box and on my tracks. I just got this set in March 2006, completing the whole collection. It came out of the box and onto my tracks right after I took the pictures. I like it but it's not my favorite,
The locomotive is ...
The cars are all in their original condition, with truck mounted horn-hook couplers. As is the caboose.
This set comes with brass track, an oval. I'll sell you the track for a good price.
This train set sold in the Loblaws chain of grocery stores for $?CAD, from 1993 November till they were out of stock.
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President's Choice Train Set #2
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The PC® Insider's Express
The 2nd President's Choice Limited Collector's Edition
released for Christmas 1993
CNR 905 2-6-0 Mogul

Text on the box:


Compatible with all popular HO brands. Authentic period-sized cars are to scale.

Oval tack layout Includes:

End of text on the box:

In the box:

President's Choice® Train Set # 2
Manufacturer: Mehano of Slovenia
locomotive: 2-6-0 Mogol Steam Engine with attached Tender   CNR 905   Heraldry: Black
Rolling Stock: Box car 40' double door, wood,   Heraldry: Beige-picture sides
left side: President's Choice' 5lb Club Pack Meat Lasagna with 3 Cheeses
right side: PC' KOBE
Gondola car 50' green   Heraldry: Green-picture sides
left side: Fruity O's'
right side: SPLENDIDO'
Tanker car 35' single-dome,   Heraldry: Black-picture sides
left side: PC' Cola & Diet Cola
right side: PC' Pink Grapefruit Cocktail
Refrigerator car 40' wood,   Heraldry: Yellow-picture sides
left side: President's Choice' Canada's best selling cookies The Decadent
right side: President's Choice' Luxury Biscuit Assortment
Caboose: sides: Dave Niclad's? 10th Anniversary Insider's Report President's Choice Insider's Report   Heraldry: Red
Track: HO Code 100 Brass Track  
12-9" strait & 12-18" radius curved, one with re-railler & power conections, also rail joiners and track snap locks
Power Pack:


List of the Cars and Locomotives in all the President's Choice Train Sets.


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2006 November 29